the Material Revolution


Plastic is a design failure and a symbol of the toxic age. We need a material revolution.


Recycling alone will not solve the complex issue of marine plastic pollution. We can only end the problem in the long run by re-inventing the material and the system that created it, and learning to live in harmony with nature. Together with a global network of experts, Parley operates an extensive research and development program to invent and scale alternatives, support innovators, and establish new industry standards that drive the Material Revolution.

To create the framework for change, we devised a scalable strategy that can be adopted by individuals, households, businesses and governments: Parley AIR. It stands for three pillars of action: AVOID. INTERCEPT. REDESIGN. While the Parley AIR Strategy was initially developed and implemented to address plastic waste — e.g, AVOID plastic wherever possible; INTERCEPT plastic waste; REDESIGN materials, methods and mindsets —  the ultimate goal is to develop new materials that can replace harmful substances in every industry, function in symbiosis with the planet, and biodegrade in conditions which are actually found in nature. The strategy can also be adapted to address the intertwining threats of the climate crisis, other forms of pollution, and industrial overfishing. It’s a way to develop realistic roadmaps for change, and following them to create new ways of creating, thinking and living together on this finite planet.

The Parley AIR Strategy is ever-evolving around a unifying belief: We need a Material Revolution. Plastic pollution has infiltrated every corner of the Earth and Oceans. Global chemical production, including those used to make plastics, has increased 50-fold since 1950 and is projected to triple again by 2050 compared to 2010. A synthetic cocktail is found in everything from shampoos to frying pans, while microplastics have been detected in soil, water, winds, plant and sea life, and even human bloodstreams.

In science labs, research centers and design offices across the planet, the Material Revolution is gathering pace. Harnessing the potent potential of biology, a new generation of creators is replacing plastic and other harmful substances with materials grown from nature. To support these efforts, Parley partners with the annual Biofabricate summit and a network of scientists and innovators through an initiative called The Parley Material Institute.


Bananatex® at Biofabricate

AlgiKnit at Biofabricate

Mogu Acoustic at Biofabricate


“Microbes are the factories of the future.”




Emily & Katy Photography


Parley Ocean School ONLINE


Forests of the Sea