Everything starts with inspiration. In pirate lore, a parley is a conference or discussion, especially between opposing sides as a negotiation for terms of a truce. The root of the word parley is parler, French for “to speak” or “to talk.” Parley was founded to create a space where seemingly disparate parties can talk, think and act together to negotiate peace between humankind and the life-giving ecosystem that connects us all: the oceans.
Before growing a global network, we launched with a series of Parley Talks. Each session is a curated gathering with a dedicated topic. The talks are meant to give an overview of the state of the oceans, present a specific cause and garner support for a related initiative, and inspire actual change — be it at home, on a campus, in the workplace, across an industry or around the world.
Explore Parley Talks & events
THANK YOU TO OUR Collaborators
As a collaboration network, our impact is possible through the collective contributions of many. Our deepest gratitude goes to the creators, thinkers and leaders who share our love for the oceans, inspire our work, and who dedicate their time, talents and knowledge to this ever-growing movement. To every collaborator, volunteer, speaker and supporter of Parley - listed below and creating a wave of change from behind the scenes - thank you!
Aaron Sanchez, Abigail Barrows, Alexander Taylor, Alexandra Agoston, Anders Lendager, Anja Rubik. Aunofo Havea, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Bharti Kher, Bonnie Wright, Boris Hermann, Cady Coleman, Captain Alex Cornelissen, Captain Paul Watson, Chris Dickerson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Clark, Chris Jordan, Cliff Kapono, Craig Foster, Daniella Russo, Dava Newman, Dave Hakkens, David De Rothschild, David Lachapelle, Dianna Cohen, Diego Luna, Dominic Thiem, Doug Aitken, Ed Ruscha, Emily Penn, Eric Liedtke, Fabien Cousteau, Faine Loubser, Felix Hallwachs, Fisher Steven, Florian Schneider , Francesca Von Habsburg, Gary Bencheghib, Gemita Samarra, Gerry Lopez, Graham Hawkes, Greg Chait, Greg Long, Guillaume Nery, Harley Weir, Heidi Taylor, Herbie Fletcher, Iain Kerr, Ian Thorpe, Ian Urbina, Inez & Vinoodh, Inka Williams, Ishita Malaviya, Ito Morabito, Jack Johnson, Jake Sumner, Jean Claude Gaudin, Jefferson Hack, Jenna Jambeck, Jenny Holzer, Jeremy Jones, Jeremy Snyder, Jeremy Casebeer, John Davis, John John Florence, John Warner, Jordan Daniel, Josh “Bones” Murphy, Josh Rosen, Juana Burga, Juergen Mayer H., Julian Schnabel, Kai Lenny, Katharina Grosse, Kimi Werner, Lara Worthington, Leland Melvin, Lewis Perkins, Lex Saenz, Lex Weinstein, Liz Taylor, Louie Psihoyos, Lukas Kronawitter, M.I.A. (Maya) Arulpragasam, Maddison Brown, Marco Spier, Margareta Van Den Bosch, Maria Aiolova, Mario Sorrenti, Markus Reymann, Mary Frey, Maryna Linchuk, Melati & Isabel Wijsen, Melissa Cristina Marquez, Michael Klug, Michelle Muchilwa, Mike Coots, Mike Horn, Miranda Wang, Molly Kawahata, Morgan Maassen, Nainoa Thompson, Nashla Bogaert, Nestor Judkins, Nora Vasconcellos, Oliver Zahm, Ora Ito, Patricia Ricard, Captain Paul Watson, Peter Macreadie, Pharrell Williams, Philip Hoare, Philippe Cousteau Jr., Pipilotti Rist, Ramon Navarro, Rg3, Roger Payne, Rosemarie Trockel, Roy Vercoulen, Safia Minney, Sam Bencheghib, Samuel L. Jackson, Sara-Jeanne Royer, Scott Bolton, Shawn Heinrichs, Sid Chakravarty, Simon Rasmussen, Stefanos Tsitsipas, Stephanie Gilmore, Sunny Pires, Susan Hartland, Suzanne Lee, Sylvia Earle, Tal Chitayat, Taylor Godber, Taylor Griffith, Thomas Willemeit, Tiara Moore, Tim Coombs, Tobias Rehberger, Tobias Nolte, Tom Slignsby, Tom Sachs, Tomas Saraceno, Tyson Toussant, Victoria Lee, Vik Muniz, Vivienne Westwood, Walton Ford, Wolfram Putz, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Yuly Fuentes Medel, Zane Schweitzer, Zem Joaquin… Thank you to all collaborators and supporters from our wide network that have helped us grow the movement over the past years. We wouldn’t be here without you.