World Cleanup Day 2019
A powerful tool for change: action
On September 21st the Parley Global Cleanup Network came together across this blue planet to celebrate World Cleanup Day with a powerful tool for change: action. We hosted over 4,818 volunteers in over 21 countries. From underwater cleanups in Indonesia to more than 2,000 people mobilizing in Argentina, we experienced firsthand the impact of collaboration without no frontiers. There are no boundaries in the oceans, and every piece of plastic trash removed is a win for the future. Below are some highlights from around the globe.
Asuncion, Paraguay
Asuncion, Paraguay
Peleliu, Palau
Peleliu, Palau
Matara, Sri Lanka
Matara, Sri Lanka
Biarritz, France
Peleliu, Palau
Peleliu, Palau
Asuncion, Paraguay
San Isidro, Argentina
Hickinbrook Island, Australia
V. Keyodhoo, Maldives
Nabila, Fiji
Cumbuco, Brasil
Rapa Nui, Chile
Brindisi, Italy
Coney Island Creek, USA
Peleliu, Palau
Peleliu, Palau
Hickinbrook Island, Australia