Thank You, Florian Schneider


We are devastated by the loss of a dear friend, longtime collaborator and pioneering inspiration. Florian Schneider, co-founder of Kraftwerk, is known for his massive influence on modern music — ushering in a new age of electronic sound that continues to inspire. But his genius and imagination also made a permanent impact on the movement to protect the oceans. Florian’s contributions to our cause have shaped the heart and soul of Parley.

The legendary artist has supported Parley from the beginning of our journey. In 2015, he created “Stop Plastic Pollution”, an electronic ode to the oceans crafted in collaboration with sound engineer Dan Lacksman.

Taking the stage during Paris COP21 at our Oceans. Climate. Life event, Florian shared the inspiration behind the track: a swim in the ocean off the coast of Ghana, where he watched "fishermen catch nothing but plastic garbage in their nets.” See his speech at the 54:00 mark in the video below.

He hoped the track might lead others to trigger awareness and conscience, and to work towards a better future. We will honor his memory and this vision every day.

Thank you, Florian, for setting the tone. Thank you for who you are and what you stand for, and what you will forever be to this movement. Your creations will inspire and drive us forward, always.

We love you, Roboter.



Listen to ‘Stop Plastic Pollution’



Watch Florian present his track at Parley x COP21


Jefferson Hack (founder of Dazed Media) welcomes Florian to the stage circa minute 54:00



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Equipping the front lines