Storytelling is a powerful tool for social change. In a sea of perpetually updated newsfeeds, we create editorial content with the goal to inform, inspire and include ocean advocates of all ages and backgrounds.
This journal is an ongoing log of our collective movement — a record of the people, projects and ideas that inspire our mission and move us forward. To keep up with the latest, check in here, follow our social media channels and subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Wavelengths.
A South Pacific Voyage
Estimates of floating plastics have lacked data, particularly from the Southern Hemisphere and remote regions. A new expedition aims to change that.
State of Emergency: Santo Domingo
With wave after wave of plastic waste washing ashore in the Dominican Republic, Parley teams are on the ground dealing with the world’s latest garbage emergency.
31 Ways to Help Fix This Picture
For every human on the planet there is a ton of plastic waste. What can you do about it? Below are 31 practical ideas for bringing Parley AIR into your daily life.
International Conference: Microplastic Pollution in the Med Sea
Parley founder Cyrill Gutsch delivered a keynote address at the International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea (μ MED) held in Capri, Italy, Sept. 26-29
Risky Business: Mining the Deep Sea
The same technological advances that allows us to discover new life in the deep sea now threaten it through a growing target of exploration: deep sea mining.
Ocean Optimism at Our Ocean 2017
Over one thousand European leaders, ocean advocates and corporations converged in Malta from Oct. 5-6 for the 2017 Our Ocean conference,
Why some scientists oppose a US ban on the shark fin trade
Some lawmakers support a total ban on US shark fin trade, but some conservation scientists are actually opposed. How can we better protect this imperiled apex predator?
The Overview Effect: Zack Seckler’s Aerial Abstracts
Wildlife in ethereal habitats speaks to a certain headspace where deep-seated perceptions are confronted and reality reordered. In each, a call to action: rise above and protect.
7 Things You Can Do To Feel Less Bad About the Great Barrier Reef
If we allow the world's coral ecosystems to slip into oblivion, our kind won't be far behind them. Knowledge is power. So is action.
Solace in the Shadows: Hengki Koentjoro
“Nothing holds the promise of a mystery as dearly as the darkness.” Photos and words from an explorer and messenger of the spectral domain.
Michael Muller's Antidote to the Jaws Effect
Sharks are not cruel monsters, but a highly endangered species in need of our protection. Michael Muller documents the beauty of the apex predator in cage-free dives.
Breath Keepers: Francesca Rivetti
Artist and photographer Francesca Rivetti captures freedivers suspended in the depths on a single breath, where one can reconnect to the deepest and innermost part of the soul.
Gabriel Barathieu: Encounters on the Other Side
Among the greatest tools for conservation are cameras and the people who wield them. Photographer Gabriel Barathieu is no exception.
Three Shows for Deep Thinkers
Watching television isn't always a waste of time, provided you're getting informed and inspired. Here are three shows to stream when you want to veg with intention.
The Plight of the Sea Turtle: Why Just One?
Only 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings will survive to maturity. A new film by Sea Shepherd documents their mission to save the last dinosaurs.