repurposing & recycling the fabric of the iconic ‘L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped’
Wolfgang Volz © 2021 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation
On September 18th 2023, on the two year anniversary of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s monumental public artwork L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped 1961 - 2021, we announced that we would be giving it a second life, taking the 25,000 square meters of silvery blue polypropylene fabric and 3,000 meters of red polypropylene rope and repurposed the materials into tent structures designed to protect human life from heat waves.
L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped thrilled Paris for the 16 days it was open to the public, viewed 6 million times in person and many millions more through social media and television. Now, the project enters its final phase with the help of Parley.
“A constant commitment of Christo and Jeanne-Claude was to reuse, upcycle, and recycle all materials used in their projects,” said Vladimir Yavachev, project director of L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped. “We are now going to give L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped a second life with the help of our creative partners. I can think of nothing more fitting than recycling this artwork for future use in Paris, a city so influential on the lives and work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude. It has been an honor to work closely with Mayor Hidalgo and Paris City Hall throughout the lifecycle of this project, including reimagined, practical uses for public events ahead.”
Matthias Koddenberg © 2021 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation
Wolfgang Volz © 2021 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation
Lubri © 2021 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation
Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo spoke of her excitement that the artwork was to be redesigned and returned to the city: “Two years after the installation of the ephemeral work of art L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, I am delighted that our collaboration with the Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation is continuing, giving a second life to the materials used for this extraordinary project. Thanks to the organization Parley for the Oceans, whom I'd like to thank most warmly, the fabric and ropes will be recycled into shade structures, tents or barnums for our next major events in Paris, in particular the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This is a very fine example of the art world’s ability to adapt to climate challenges.”
Parley CEO and founder Cyrill Gutsch said: “When visiting Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped two years ago in Paris, I saw a flag of rebellion. An encouragement that seemingly impossible ideas can become a reality, if we pursue them without bending, without giving up and by staying positive and optimistic. The ropes, the fabric of the artwork are testament of the true superpower we humans possess: Imagination. We will create tent structures that are designed to protect human life against dangerous heat waves. And to supercharge our hearts and our minds for the epic challenge ahead of us. I know it for sure, together we can create a new economy where harmful, toxic and exploitative business practices are a relic of the past.”
Watch the recycling process
Learn more about the project